Unite For Recovery

How your money helps


Enables us to provide a free hardcopy handbook.


Buys a Zoom license for a year to host SMART meetings for up to 100 people at a time.


One-on-One coaching for a Peer Facilitator.


Venue hire for a SMART Recovery Face-to-Face meeting.


Provides a cup of tea/coffee for a meeting participant.


Provides a sponsored place at an addiction conference.


Provides someone with a SMART pack – handbook, t-shirt, wrist band & cap.


We can put on a 4 -week webinar training course for 10 people to become facilitators.


Provides a facilitator with a meeting pack containing posters, leaflets, tea bags, coffee, sugar for their meetings.


Enables us to make a digital copy of our books.


Sponsors our website hosting contract.


Buy a facilitator a nice warm hoodie for winter meetings.


Buys someone the gift of a branded cap.


Buys someone a branded water bottle.


Enables us to have an exhibition at a large event.


Enables us to launch a volunteer annual awards program.

Join the challenge this May

Sign up to walk this May and raise funds to support people to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Sign Up Today